​• All fair traffic will be directed to County Services Parkway.
• East bound Al Bishop Drive will be closed to through traffic daily during the fair starting one hour prior to opening (no turning onto Al Bishop Drive from Callaway Rd.)
• West bound Al Bishop Drive will be 2-laned for incoming fair traffic, serving:
-Main Lot
-North Lot A
-North Lot B
-North Lot C
-North Lot D
*All lots will be clearly marked
• The only fair parking accessed by Callaway Road will be the South Parking Lot (first lot off Austell Rd) and the Carriage Kia VIP lot.
• Daily shuttles utilizing the KSU Big Owl buses will operate 6:00 pm to closing from the Cobb Safety Village (1220 Al Bishop Drive | Marietta, Ga. 30008.)
• Uber/Lyft pick-up and drop off will be located at the Cobb Safety Village as well.
• For ALL direction enquiries to the 2024 Superior Plumbing presents North Georgia State Fair, please use the following address: 1220 Al Bishop Drive | Marietta, Ga. 30008
Jim R. Miller Park via Al Bishop Drive: Take I-75 to Windy Hill Rd. (Exit #260). Go west approximately five miles on Windy Hill Rd. and turn right on Austell Road. Turn left on County Services Parkway then left on Al Bishop Dr.
Use the following address: 1220 Al Bishop Drive | Marietta, Ga. 30008

For all inquiries please contact us at:
Before September 3rd - (770) 423-1330;
After September 3rd - (770) 528-8989
Email Missy Miller